A page in an average newspaper has 8 columns of print. Each column consists of 160 lines and each line averages 6 words. What’s the average number of words on a full page?

7680 words

To find the average number of words on a full page, we need to multiply the number of columns by the number of lines in each column and then multiply the total by the average number of words per line.

1. First, calculate the total number of lines on a full page. Since there are 8 columns and each column has 160 lines, the total number of lines on the page would be 8 columns * 160 lines = 1280 lines.

2. Next, multiply the total number of lines by the average number of words per line. As given, each line on average consists of 6 words. So, the total number of words on a full page would be 1280 lines * 6 words = 7680 words.

Therefore, the average number of words on a full page is 7680 words.