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The equation P=2L+2W represents the perimeter (P) of a rectangle in terms of its length (L) and width (W). To get the value of the perimeter using this equation, you need to know the values of both the length and width of the rectangle.

To calculate the perimeter, follow these steps:

1. Determine the length (L) and width (W) of the rectangle.
2. Substitute the values of L and W into the equation P=2L+2W.
3. Multiply the length by 2 and the width by 2.
4. Add the results of the two multiplications together to get the perimeter (P) of the rectangle.

For example, let's say the length (L) of a rectangle is 6 units and the width (W) is 4 units:

P = 2L + 2W
P = 2(6) + 2(4)
P = 12 + 8
P = 20

So, in this case, the perimeter of the rectangle is 20 units.