If 1.5g of CaO is mixed with 2.5M HNO3

how many moles of CaO were reacted and what type of reaction is this ?

How much 2.5M HNO3.

CaO + 2HNO3 => Ca(NO3)2 + H2O

This is an acid/base reaction but in terms of the several types I think you are looking for double displacement.

1.5g/56.1 = 0.0268

And its neutralisation reaction

To find out the number of moles of CaO that were reacted, you need to use the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between CaO and HNO3. Unfortunately, you didn't provide the balanced equation, so I am unable to determine the stoichiometry of the reaction.

However, I can explain the general process of determining the number of moles of a substance given its mass and molar mass. In this case, you would need the molar mass of CaO (calcium oxide).

The molar mass of a compound is calculated by summing the atomic masses of its constituent elements. The atomic masses can be found on the periodic table. In the case of CaO, you would find the atomic mass of calcium (Ca) and oxygen (O) and add them together.

Once you have the molar mass of CaO, you can divide the given mass (1.5g) by the molar mass to obtain the number of moles of CaO.

Regarding the type of reaction, without the balanced chemical equation, it is challenging to determine the specific reaction type (e.g., decomposition, neutralization, redox, etc.). The reaction type depends on the products formed and the reactants involved.