what is the concrete and specific words in this sentence,

"John lost a fortune in Las Vegas"

John, Las Vegas

John lost a lot of money in Las vegas..

We have found that young men are the best for this work.make it concrete

Selecting concrete words

22. we have found that young men are best for this work.
23. She makes good grades
24. John lost a fortune in Las Vegas.
25. if we don't receive the goods soon we will cancel.
26.some years ago she made good money
27. His grades on the aptitude test was not high.

The concrete and specific words in the sentence "John lost a fortune in Las Vegas" are:

- John
- lost
- fortune
- Las Vegas

In the sentence "John lost a fortune in Las Vegas," the concrete and specific words are "John," "lost," "fortune," and "Las Vegas."

To identify the concrete words, look for nouns, pronouns, and other words that can be perceived through the senses. In this sentence, "John" is a proper noun referring to a specific person. Similarly, "Las Vegas" is a proper noun that identifies a particular city.

The word "fortune" is a noun that refers to a substantial amount of money, indicating a specific quantity. It represents a concrete concept despite being an abstract noun, as it implies a tangible and measurable entity.

The word "lost" is a verb that describes an action. While it does not have a physical presence, it represents a concrete action that can be observed or understood.

By identifying these concrete and specific words, we can gain a clearer understanding of the sentence's meaning.