Which of the following is the ph of a solution in which concentration of hydrogen ion is greater than hydroxide ion. 0ptions:12,9,7 or 3

To determine the pH of a solution, you need to know the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the solution. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with a pH of 7 being considered neutral. Values less than 7 are considered acidic, while values greater than 7 are considered basic or alkaline.

In a solution where the concentration of hydrogen ions is greater than the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-), the solution is considered acidic. This is because the presence of more H+ ions than OH- ions indicates an excess of positive charges and therefore an acidic environment.

Based on this, we can conclude that the pH of the solution will be less than 7. Out of the given options, the value of pH that is less than 7 is 3. Therefore, the correct answer would be 3.

Why are you having trouble with this?

pH = -log(H^+)
Plug in pH, solve for H and use that and the last equation to solve for OH, then compare.
(H^+)(OH^-) = Kw = 1E-14.