1. They realize that a different religion is something to talk about, not to fight about.

What is the full form of #1?

2. They realize that a different religion is something to talk about, and it is not something to fight about.

3. They realize that a different religion is something to talk about, and it is not anything to fight about.

The full form of # 1 is # 2.

hello 2014 people its now 2022!

8 years has passed! lol (content deleted)

The number sign in "#1" represents a formatting convention used to represent a numbered list. In this case, it indicates that the statement "They realize that a different religion is something to talk about, not to fight about" is the first item in the list. It doesn't have a specific full form, but it is commonly used to indicate the order of items in a list. The subsequent statements, "2" and "3," indicate the second and third items in the list, respectively.