Last month, Nate spent 12% of his paycheck on car repairs and 25% of the remainder on food. He gave $1,320 of the remaining money to his parents and then bought a computer on sale. If the usual price of the computer was $825 and the discount was 20%, how much money did Nate have in the beginning?

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3142.86 in the beginning

To find out how much money Nate had in the beginning, we need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the money Nate spent on car repairs. Since he spent 12% of his paycheck on car repairs, we can represent it as 12% of the total amount.
Let's assume Nate's paycheck was x dollars. So, he spent (12/100) * x dollars on car repairs.

2. Calculate the remainder of Nate's paycheck after deducting the car repair expenses. Subtract the amount he spent on car repairs from his paycheck.
The remainder is obtained by subtracting the amount spent on car repairs from the paycheck: x - ((12/100) * x).

3. Calculate the money Nate spent on food. Since he spent 25% of the remainder on food, we can represent it as 25% of the remainder.
The amount spent on food is (25/100) * (x - ((12/100) * x)) dollars.

4. Calculate the remaining amount after deducting the money spent on food. Subtract the amount spent on food from the remainder.
The remaining amount is obtained by subtracting the amount spent on food from the remainder: (x - ((12/100) * x)) - (25/100) * (x - ((12/100) * x)).

5. Calculate the amount Nate gave to his parents. Subtract $1,320 from the remaining amount.
The remaining amount after giving money to his parents is: [(x - ((12/100) * x)) - (25/100) * (x - ((12/100) * x))] - $1,320.

6. Calculate the cost of the computer after the discount. The discount is 20%, which means the price of the computer is 80% of the usual price.
The cost of the computer after the discount is: 80% of $825.

7. Calculate the final amount Nate had in the beginning. Add the cost of the computer after the discount to the remaining amount after giving money to his parents.
The final amount Nate had in the beginning is: [(x - ((12/100) * x)) - (25/100) * (x - ((12/100) * x))] - $1,320 + 80% of $825.

Now we can solve the equation to find the value of x, which represents Nate's beginning amount.