1. Some people said yes and others said no, and the others said nothing.

2. Some people said yes and others said no, and the others remained silent.

3. Some people said yes and others said no, and the rest said nothing.

4. Some people said yes and others said no, and others said nothing.
Which ones are grammatical? Are they all acceptable? (Thank you for your help.)

They all mean about the same and are correct.

All four statements are grammatically correct. However, the subtle differences in word choice can slightly alter the intended meaning of each sentence. Let's break down each statement:

1. "Some people said yes and others said no, and the others said nothing." Here, "the others" implies a specific group of people who didn't respond or didn't express an opinion. It suggests that there are multiple groups involved in the conversation, and the "others" refers specifically to a group separate from the first two mentioned.

2. "Some people said yes and others said no, and the others remained silent." Similar to the previous sentence, "the others" refers to a specific group of people who didn't respond or didn't express an opinion. However, by using the word "remained" instead of "said," it emphasizes their silence rather than them actively expressing nothing. Again, there is an implication of multiple groups involved in the conversation.

3. "Some people said yes and others said no, and the rest said nothing." In this sentence, "the rest" is used instead of "the others." While both terms refer to a group of people not mentioned previously, "the rest" is a more general and inclusive term. It implies that there are only two groups involved, and "the rest" refers to all the remaining individuals who didn't express an opinion.

4. "Some people said yes and others said no, and others said nothing." Here, "others" is used twice to refer to different groups. It suggests that there are at least three distinct groups involved in the conversation, with the first two expressing conflicting opinions, while the third group remains silent or doesn't express an opinion.

It is important to note that the choice among these sentences depends on the specific context and intended meaning. Thus, all four statements are grammatically correct, but each conveys a slightly different nuance.