The volume of a cylinder is 980 in.4072-07-02-02-00_files/i0220001.jpg. The height of the cylinder is 20 in. What is the radius of the cylinder?

Express your answer to the nearest hundredth.

I'm sorry you didn't proofread your post and gotten rid of the extraneous garbage.


980 = 3.14 * r^2 * 20

980 = 62.8 * r^2

980/62.8 = r^2

15.6051 = r^2

3.95 = r

Find the volume of the cylinder. Use 3.14 for pi when the radiusis3 and the height is 12

The volume of a cylinder is 980 in.4072-07-02-02-00_files/i0220001.jpg. The height of the cylinder is 20 in. What is the radius of the cylinder?

Express your answer to the nearest hundredth.

To find the radius of a cylinder, we can use the formula for the volume of a cylinder, which is given by:

V = π * r^2 * h

where V is the volume, r is the radius, and h is the height.

In this case, we are given that the volume (V) is 980 in^3 and the height (h) is 20 in. We can substitute these values into the formula:

980 = π * r^2 * 20

To solve for r, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can divide both sides of the equation by (π * 20):

980 / (π * 20) = r^2

Now, we can find the square root of both sides to solve for r:

√(980 / (π * 20)) = r

Using a calculator, we can evaluate the expression on the right-hand side:

r ≈ 3.14

Therefore, the radius of the cylinder is approximately 3.14 inches.

Expressed to the nearest hundredth, the radius of the cylinder is 3.14 inches.