The Alternative for the Americas agreement of the early 2000's is primarily aimed at

A. creating a Latin American Union
B. inviting foreign investment from Asia
C. improving ties with the European Union
D. excluding the United States from Latin America
My answer is D, if this is not the correct answer could you please give correct answer. Thank-you

I think you're right.


The correct answer is actually A. creating a Latin American Union.

To arrive at this answer, we can consider the context and purpose of the Alternative for the Americas agreement. The Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) is an integration agreement initially proposed by Venezuela and Cuba in opposition to the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) proposed by the United States. ALBA was established in response to concerns about the potential dominance of the United States in economic and political affairs in the Americas.

ALBA aimed to promote regional integration and cooperation among Latin American and Caribbean countries, with a focus on social, economic, and political objectives. It aimed to create a Latin American Union by fostering solidarity, cooperation, and trade among its member countries, with the goal of achieving independence from the dominance of global powers.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. creating a Latin American Union.