Mufaddal wants to travel from point H to point F as shown in image. How many ways can he travel from point H to point F if moving north and west directions are not permitted?





To find the number of ways Mufaddal can travel from point H to point F, we need to consider that he cannot move in the north or west direction.

From point H, Mufaddal has two possible moves: he can either move east (E) or south (S).

If he moves east from point H, he reaches point G. From point G, he only has one option to reach point F, which is by moving south. So, this route is fixed: H -> G -> F.

If he moves south from point H, he reaches point K. From point K, he also has only one option to reach point F, which is by moving east. So, this route is also fixed: H -> K -> F.

Therefore, there are a total of 2 ways Mufaddal can travel from point H to point F without moving in the north or west direction:

1. H -> G -> F
2. H -> K -> F

Thus, the correct answer is 2.

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