create a program that will do the following:

1. ask the user to enter the names of 5 products
2. the buying and selling price of the 5 products
3. the expense of each type of product(percentage of buying price)

task- calculate the gross profit and net profit and project it

To create a program that performs the given tasks, you can use a programming language such as Python. Here's an example code that fulfills those requirements:

# Initialize empty lists to store the product details
product_names = []
buying_prices = []
selling_prices = []
expenses = []

# Ask the user to enter the names, buying prices, selling prices, and expenses for the 5 products
for i in range(5):
product_name = input("Enter the name of product {}: ".format(i+1))
buying_price = float(input("Enter the buying price of {}: ".format(product_name)))
selling_price = float(input("Enter the selling price of {}: ".format(product_name)))
expense = float(input("Enter the expense (as a percentage) for {}: ".format(product_name)))

# Calculate the gross profit and net profit for each product
gross_profits = []
net_profits = []

for i in range(5):
gross_profit = selling_prices[i] - buying_prices[i]
net_profit = gross_profit - (buying_prices[i] * expenses[i] / 100)

# Print the projected gross and net profits for each product
print("Product\t\tGross Profit\t\tNet Profit")
for i in range(5):
print("{}\t\t${:.2f}\t\t${:.2f}".format(product_names[i], gross_profits[i], net_profits[i]))

This program will:

1. Ask the user to enter the names of 5 products, buying prices, selling prices, and expenses (as a percentage) for each product.
2. Calculate the gross profit for each product by subtracting the buying price from the selling price.
3. Calculate the net profit for each product by deducting the percentage of the buying price that represents the expense.
4. Print the projected gross profit and net profit for each product in a tabular format.

You can run this code in a Python environment to test it out!