Which special case is represented by x^2-121?

the difference of two squares
the difference of cubes
the square of a binomial
the sum of cubes

C..i think?

really ?

isn't x^2 a perfect square?
isn't 121 a perfect square ? ---- 11^2 = 121

Don't we subtract (-) to take the difference between 2 numbers?

Now what do you think??

The special case represented by x^2 - 121 is option C, the square of a binomial.

To determine which special case is represented by the expression x^2 - 121, let's break it down and analyze each option.

A. The difference of two squares: This special case is represented by expressions of the form a^2 - b^2. In this case, we have x^2 - 121, which cannot be written as the difference of two squares because 121 is not a perfect square.

B. The difference of cubes: This special case is represented by expressions of the form a^3 - b^3. Again, we have x^2 - 121, which cannot be written as the difference of cubes.

C. The square of a binomial: This special case is represented by expressions of the form (a + b)^2 or (a - b)^2. The expression x^2 - 121 cannot be rewritten in either of these forms.

D. The sum of cubes: This special case is represented by expressions of the form a^3 + b^3. Here, we have x^2 - 121, which cannot be written as the sum of cubes.

Since none of the given options fit the expression x^2 - 121, the correct answer is none of the above.