Consider two cases in which the same ball is thrown against a wall with the same initial velocity. In case A, the ball sticks to the wall and does not bounce.In Case B, the ball bounces back with the same speed that it came with.

a.) In which of the two cases is the change in momentum the largest?

1. Case A
2. Case B
3. Same for both cases

b.) Assuming that the time during which the momentum change takes place is approximately the same for these two cases, in which case is the larger average force involved?

1. Case A
2. Case B
3. Same for both cases

a.) 2

b.) 2

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Both correct!

a.) In order to determine which case has the largest change in momentum, we need to consider the concept of momentum. Momentum is defined as the product of an object's mass and its velocity. Mathematically, momentum (p) can be expressed as p = m * v, where m is the mass and v is the velocity of the object.

In Case A, the ball sticks to the wall and does not bounce. Therefore, the final velocity of the ball after it hits the wall is zero. As a result, the change in velocity (Δv) is equal to the initial velocity (v).

In Case B, the ball bounces back with the same speed that it came with. This means the final velocity of the ball after bouncing is equal to the negative of its initial velocity (v). Therefore, the change in velocity (Δv) is equal to 2 times the initial velocity (-2v).

Taking into account the equation for momentum (p = m * v), we can see that the change in momentum (Δp) is directly proportional to the change in velocity (Δv). Therefore, in Case B, where the change in velocity is greater (Δv = -2v), the change in momentum will also be greater.

Therefore, the answer to question a.) is: 2. Case B

b.) The average force involved in changing the momentum of an object can be determined using the impulse-momentum theorem. The impulse experienced by an object is equal to the change in momentum, and it is given by the equation J = F * Δt, where J represents impulse, F represents force, and Δt represents the time interval during which the momentum change takes place.

Since the question states that the time interval is approximately the same for both cases, we can assume that Δt is equal for Case A and Case B. Now, we need to compare the forces involved in each case.

In Case A, where the ball sticks to the wall, the change in momentum (Δp) is equal to the initial momentum (p) since the final velocity is zero. So, the impulse experienced by the ball is equal to the initial momentum: J = p.

In Case B, where the ball bounces back with the same speed, the change in momentum (Δp) is twice the initial momentum (p) since the final velocity is -v. So, the impulse experienced by the ball is twice the initial momentum: J = 2p.

Since the time interval (Δt) is the same for both cases, we can see that the impulse is greater in Case B by a factor of 2.

As the impulse is equal to the force multiplied by the time, we can conclude that the average force involved is also greater in Case B, by a factor of 2.

Therefore, the answer to question b.) is: 2. Case B