How is New York City not changed from the days when it was called New Amsterdam?

A. Its streets still have walls.
B. Its houses still look the same.
C. It is still a major trading center.
D. It still has mostly Dutch residents.

My answer- K

I mean b

The houses still look the same?

I guess D, or C

Why guess? Find the facts. Then decide which is the best answer.

I think it is C, itis near ocean too.

C is right.

New York has many, many different ethnic groups -- but almost no one of Dutch heritage.

NY heeft geen Nederlanders? Ik geloof het niet :)


To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the history of New York City and its transformation since the days when it was called New Amsterdam.

New York City was originally settled by the Dutch in the early 17th century and named New Amsterdam. However, the city was later seized by the English in 1664 and renamed New York. Over the centuries, New York City has undergone significant changes, so let's evaluate the options:

A. Its streets still have walls: This is not accurate. After the English took over, they expanded and redesigned the city, eliminating the defensive walls that surrounded New Amsterdam.

B. Its houses still look the same: This is also not accurate. Over time, the architecture and style of houses in New York City have evolved, reflecting various periods and influences.

C. It is still a major trading center: This is true. Since its early days as a Dutch trading outpost, New York City has continued to be a vital center of commerce, finance, and trade.

D. It still has mostly Dutch residents: This is not accurate. While New York City has a diverse population comprising people from various backgrounds and nationalities, it does not have a predominantly Dutch population.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. New York City has remained a major trading center, but it has undergone substantial changes in terms of its streets, houses, and residents since the days when it was called New Amsterdam.