While shopping for a party, June bought 2 1/6 lbs of hamburger, 3 4/5 lbs of chicken, and 4 1/2 lbs of ham. How much meat did she buy?

Change the fractions to fractions with the common denominator of 30.

2 1/6 = 2 5/30
3 4/5 = 3 24/30
4 1/2 = 4 15/30


9 44/30 = 10 14/30 = 10 7/15 lbs.

To find out how much meat June bought, we need to add the weight of hamburger, chicken, and ham together.

First, let's convert all the fractions to a common denominator. The denominator of 1/6 is already 6, the denominator of 4/5 is 5, and the denominator of 1/2 is 2. Let's get them in terms of 6.

1/6 is already out of 6, so no conversion is needed.
To convert 4/5 to a denominator of 6, we need to multiply both the numerator and denominator by 6/5:
4/5 * 6/5 = (4 * 6)/(5 * 5) = 24/25

To convert 1/2 to a denominator of 6, we need to multiply both the numerator and denominator by 3/3:
1/2 * 3/3 = (1 * 3)/(2 * 3) = 3/6

Now that all the fractions have a denominator of 6, we can add them together:
2/6 + 24/25 + 3/6

To add the fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 6 and 25 is 150. Let's convert all the fractions to this denominator:

2/6 = (2 * 25)/(6 * 25) = 50/150
24/25 = (24 * 6)/(25 * 6) = 144/150
3/6 = (3 * 25)/(6 * 25) = 75/150

Now, we can add them together:
50/150 + 144/150 + 75/150 = (50 + 144 + 75)/150 = 269/150

So, June bought a total of 269/150 lbs of meat for the party.