It is __________ private-sector correctional providers, especially of prison facilities, are more effective than public-sector providers.

A. doubtful that

B. untrue that

C. unknown at this time whether

D. true that

is it D

I don't think so.

To determine the answer, we need to look at evidence and research related to the effectiveness of private-sector correctional providers compared to public-sector providers.

One way to acquire this information is by conducting a literature search. By searching in academic databases, such as JSTOR or Google Scholar, you can find studies, articles, and research papers that discuss the topic in question. These sources often provide a comprehensive analysis of the topic, including comparisons of private and public prison providers.

After conducting the necessary research, you would need to evaluate the findings you have gathered. Look for studies and analyses that provide empirical evidence and robust statistical data to support their claims. This evidence may include statistics on recidivism rates, cost-effectiveness, inmate rehabilitation, or other relevant metrics.

Without conducting this research, it is impossible to definitively state whether private-sector correctional providers are more effective than public-sector providers. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is (C) unknown at this time whether.