benign,blase,comprise,condescend,facade,glib,haughty,libel,pseudonym,and redundant

Believing he was better than everyone else at the supermarket, Dan was so______(haughty) that he would rarely_____(condescend)to speak to the other cashier.
One author was accused of___(libel)when he wrote a damaging article about the governor's wife. Subsequently, he used a ____(pseudonym)so people wouldn't know he was the author whose facts were in doubt.
At first Joanne thought Barry was too_____,(glib) that his smooth talk was all show. As she got to know him better, however, her perception of him changed. She found that his east matter reflected a friendly and____(benign)nature.
The scenery crew for the summer theatre ___(e)d(comprise) three artists and a set designer.They created an intricate____(facade)of a medieval castle,complete with a carved door,a drawbridge, and a moat.
The writing teacher had become____(blase)from repeatedly seeing the same problems: careless organization, lack of focus, and writing so____(redundant)that many sentences said the same thing. In addition, students often turned to plagiarism rather than use their own words.

Believing he was better than everyone else at the supermarket, Dan was so haughty that he would rarely condescend to speak to the other cashier. I guess he thought they were beneath him, but hey, at least he didn't have to worry about having a conversation about the weather or the price of broccoli!

One author was accused of libel when he wrote a damaging article about the governor's wife. Subsequently, he used a pseudonym so people wouldn't know he was the author whose facts were in doubt. Talk about trying to hide behind a funny name! I bet he thought he was pretty clever, but alas, the truth has a way of revealing itself.

At first Joanne thought Barry was too glib, that his smooth talk was all show. As she got to know him better, however, her perception of him changed. She found that his easy manner reflected a friendly and benign nature. Turns out, he was the real deal and not just another slick talker. Who would've thought?

The scenery crew for the summer theatre comprised three artists and a set designer. They created an intricate facade of a medieval castle, complete with a carved door, a drawbridge, and a moat. It's amazing what we can achieve with some creativity, teamwork, and a lot of cardboard! Those artists deserve a standing ovation.

The writing teacher had become blase from repeatedly seeing the same problems: careless organization, lack of focus, and writing so redundant that many sentences said the same thing. In addition, students often turned to plagiarism rather than use their own words. I guess you can say the teacher had seen it all, and their excitement had been sucked out like air from a punctured balloon. Time to spice things up and bring some fresh ideas into that classroom!

Believing he was better than everyone else at the supermarket, Dan was so haughty that he would rarely condescend to speak to the other cashier.

One author was accused of libel when he wrote a damaging article about the governor's wife. Subsequently, he used a pseudonym so people wouldn't know he was the author whose facts were in doubt.

At first Joanne thought Barry was too glib, that his smooth talk was all show. As she got to know him better, however, her perception of him changed. She found that his ease of manner reflected a friendly and benign nature.

The scenery crew for the summer theatre comprised three artists and a set designer. They created an intricate facade of a medieval castle, complete with a carved door, a drawbridge, and a moat.

The writing teacher had become blase from repeatedly seeing the same problems: careless organization, lack of focus, and writing so redundant that many sentences said the same thing. In addition, students often turned to plagiarism rather than use their own words.

Believing he was better than everyone else at the supermarket, Dan was so haughty that he would rarely condescend to speak to the other cashier.

To understand the meanings of the words "haughty" and "condescend", you can use a dictionary or a search engine. Alternatively, you can break down the words and analyze their components:

- "Haughty" means excessively proud or arrogant. You can infer this from the context in the sentence where it says Dan believed he was better than everyone else.
- "Condescend" means to show a feeling of superiority by talking or behaving in a way that seems to suggest you believe you are better than others. In this context, it means Dan rarely spoke to other cashiers because he believed he was superior to them.

One author was accused of libel when he wrote a damaging article about the governor's wife. Subsequently, he used a pseudonym so people wouldn't know he was the author whose facts were in doubt.

To understand the meanings of the words "libel" and "pseudonym", you can use a dictionary or a search engine. Alternatively, you can break down the words and analyze their components:

- "Libel" refers to a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation. In this context, the author wrote something damaging about the governor's wife, which led to accusations of libel.
- "Pseudonym" is a fictitious name used by an author to conceal their identity. The author used this name to avoid being identified as the person who wrote the article.

At first Joanne thought Barry was too glib, that his smooth talk was all show. As she got to know him better, however, her perception of him changed. She found that his easy manner reflected a friendly and benign nature.

To understand the meanings of the words "glib" and "benign", you can use a dictionary or a search engine. Alternatively, you can break down the words and analyze their components:

- "Glib" means speaking or spoken in a confident and fluent manner, often without thought or sincerity. In this context, Joanne initially thought Barry's smooth talk was insincere.
- "Benign" refers to kind and gentle in disposition or appearance. Joanne later discovered that Barry's easy manner was a true reflection of his friendly and kind nature.

The scenery crew for the summer theatre comprised three artists and a set designer. They created an intricate facade of a medieval castle, complete with a carved door, a drawbridge, and a moat.

To understand the meaning of the word "comprise" and "facade", you can use a dictionary or a search engine. Alternatively, you can break down the words and analyze their components:

- "Comprise" means to consist of or include. In this context, it implies that the scenery crew is made up of three artists and a set designer.
- "Facade" refers to the front of a building, which in this case is being used metaphorically. The scenery crew created an intricate appearance of a medieval castle.

The writing teacher had become blasé from repeatedly seeing the same problems: careless organization, lack of focus, and writing so redundant that many sentences said the same thing. In addition, students often turned to plagiarism rather than use their own words.

To understand the meanings of the words "blase" and "redundant", you can use a dictionary or a search engine. Alternatively, you can break down the words and analyze their components:

- "Blasé" refers to a feeling of indifference or boredom, usually as a result of experiencing something too often or becoming unimpressed. In this context, the writing teacher has become uninterested or indifferent due to repeatedly seeing the same problems.
- "Redundant" means unnecessarily repetitive or exceeding what is necessary or natural. In this context, the writing was filled with unnecessary repetitions, causing sentences to say the same thing multiple times.


Blase comprise benign libel pseudonym redundant condescend haughty glib