Paulo has $6 to spend. A sundae costs $3.25 plus $0.65 per topping. Write and solve an inequality to find how many toppings he can order.

Let n=max. number of toppings he can afford,


Solve for n.

Let's assume Paulo can order 'x' toppings. The cost of each topping is $0.65. Therefore, the total cost of toppings can be expressed as 0.65x. In addition, he also needs to pay $3.25 for the sundae itself. Hence, the inequality can be written as:

3.25 + 0.65x ≤ 6

Now, let's solve the inequality:

3.25 + 0.65x ≤ 6
0.65x ≤ 6 - 3.25
0.65x ≤ 2.75
x ≤ 2.75 / 0.65
x ≤ 4.23 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Paulo can order up to 4 toppings with $6.

To find out how many toppings Paulo can order, we need to write and solve an inequality.

Let's assume x represents the number of toppings Paulo can order.

The cost of the sundae is $3.25, and for each topping, it costs an additional $0.65. So, the total cost of toppings will be 0.65x.

Given that Paulo has $6 to spend, the inequality can be written as:

3.25 + 0.65x ≤ 6

To solve the inequality, we first subtract 3.25 from both sides to isolate the variable:

0.65x ≤ 2.75

Then divide both sides by 0.65 to solve for x:

x ≤ 2.75 / 0.65

Using a calculator, the result is x ≤ 4.23 (approximately).

Therefore, Paulo can order a maximum of 4 toppings with his $6 budget.