Mike and John split the cost of a $270 car trip. Mike pays $20 more than John. How much did John pay?

I solved it as 20x+x=270
I'm not sure if it's correct, can I please get an explanation

Why did you multiply 20 times x?

x + x + 20 = 270

2x = 250

x = 125

Mike paid $125.

Sure! Let's go through the problem step by step.

We are given that the total cost of the car trip is $270. Let's assume that John paid x dollars for the trip. According to the given information, Mike paid $20 more than John. So, Mike paid x + $20 for the trip.

To find the solution, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Since Mike and John split the cost of the trip, the sum of the amounts they paid should be equal to the total cost of the trip, which is $270.

So, the equation would be:

John's payment + Mike's payment = Total cost
x + (x + $20) = $270

To solve this equation, we need to combine like terms. Simplifying the equation, we get:

2x + $20 = $270

Next, we want to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting $20 from both sides:

2x = $270 - $20
2x = $250

Finally, to find the value of x (John's payment), we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

x = $250 / 2
x = $125

Therefore, John paid $125 for the car trip.