Determine the value of x.

DO,k(x, 9) → (–10, –6)


since -2/3 * 9 = -6, we want x such that

-2/3 x = -10
x = 15

To determine the value of x, we need to examine the given equation DO,k(x, 9) → (–10, –6).

From the equation, we can see that when x is input into the function DO,k along with the value 9, we get the output (-10, -6).

Now, let's analyze what the function DO,k does to the input (x, 9) to obtain the output (-10, -6).

The first value of the output, -10, represents the change in the x-coordinate from the input to the output. In other words, the x-coordinate decreases by 10 units.

The second value of the output, -6, represents the change in the y-coordinate from the input to the output. In other words, the y-coordinate decreases by 6 units.

To find the value of x, we need to determine the difference between the x-coordinate of the output and the constant value 9. In this case, the x-coordinate of the output is (-10), and we know that it represents a decrease of 10 units from the input.

So, we can set up the equation:
9 - 10 = x

Simplifying this equation, we get:
-1 = x

Therefore, the value of x is -1.

However, none of the answer choices presented (- A: 5, B: 7, C: 12, D: 15) match the value we obtained, which suggests there may be an error in the question or the answer choices.