What is the greatest number that can be rounded to the nearest millions?

149,999 is the greatest integer that may be rounded to the nearest million.


To find the greatest number that can be rounded to the nearest millions, we need to consider how rounding works.

When rounding to the nearest million, we look at the number directly to the right of the millions place. If this number is 5 or greater, we round up, and if it's less than 5, we round down.

To get the greatest number that can be rounded to the nearest million, we want to find the largest number where the digit to the right of the millions digit is less than 5. This means we set that digit to 0, and increase the millions digit by 1.

In this case, the millions digit would be the last non-zero digit. So, the greatest number that can be rounded to the nearest million is one less than the smallest number that has a non-zero digit in the ten millions place.

Therefore, the greatest number that can be rounded to the nearest millions is 9,999,999.