How much will it cost to carpet a room that's 12ft by 15ft if the carpet cost $25 per square yard

12 ft = 4 yards

15 ft = 5 yards

4 * 5 * 25 = ?

146 pound


To calculate the cost of carpeting a room, you need to determine the total area of the room and then multiply it by the cost per square yard of the carpet.

First, convert the room dimensions into feet: 12ft x 15ft. Multiply these dimensions together to calculate the area of the room: 12ft * 15ft = 180 square feet.

Next, convert the area from square feet to square yards. Since there are 9 square feet in 1 square yard, divide the area by 9: 180 sq ft / 9 = 20 square yards.

Finally, multiply the area (20 square yards) by the cost per square yard ($25) to get the total cost: 20 square yards * $25/square yard = $500.

So, it will cost $500 to carpet a room that's 12ft by 15ft, assuming the carpet is $25 per square yard.