What type of conclusion do you plan to write for your research paper? Why?

For my conclusion, I plan to write my research paper on a compilation of all the specific topics discussed in my introduction. I would summarize the information I want to relate to my audience and identify the key components identified so my readers will understand my topic of discussion and the message I am conveying.

How does the conclusion effectively summarize your paper?
I consider the conclusion like the final meat of the paper. It provides the final touches to the reader of a brief synopsis of the topics discussed and to convey that it is finished. It summarizes the paper by providing the supported facts to the thesis and hopefully provides the reader knowledge of the topic and perhaps give credence and/or change the point of view initially read in the introduction of the paper to the argument I want to relay in my research.

Your answers are very vague and redundant. Are you supposed to write such air-y responses?

To write an effective conclusion for your research paper, follow these steps:

1. Review your introduction: The conclusion should tie back to the introduction and remind the reader of the main points discussed. This will help create a sense of coherence and closure for your paper.

2. Summarize your main points: Identify the key components and arguments discussed in your paper. Briefly summarize each point, ensuring that you capture the essence of the information without going into excessive detail.

3. Restate your thesis: Remind the reader of the main thesis statement or research question that you addressed in your paper. This will help reinforce the central focus of your research.

4. Evaluate your findings: Reflect on the insights and conclusions that emerged from the research. Discuss the implications and significance of your findings in relation to the broader field of study or real-world applications.

5. Connect with the reader: Engage your audience by highlighting the importance of your research. Explain how your findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge, address gaps in understanding, or open up new avenues for future research.

6. End with a strong closing statement: Conclude your research paper with a memorable and impactful statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. This could involve a call to action, a thought-provoking question, or a suggestion for further exploration.

Remember, the goal of the conclusion is to provide a concise summary of the main points and leave the reader with a sense of satisfaction and understanding. By following these steps, you can effectively summarize your research paper in a compelling and coherent manner.