A bag contains 9 green marbles and 11 white marbles. You select a marble at random. What are the odds in favor of picking a green marble?

A. 9:20
B. 2:9
C. 11:9
D. 9:11***?

why did it have to be 911

prob(green) = 9/20

prob(not green) = 11/20

odds in favour of green = (9/20) : (11/20)
= 9: 11

you are correct.

thank you!


you are correct.

just cuz why not

wait 911???


9 / 11 / 2001 is what @answers was referring to. (The time when the twin towers was hit and destroyed)

911 is also the USA hotline for help in serious situations. They can bring you an ambulance, police officers, animal control, etc.

To calculate the odds in favor of picking a green marble, we need to determine the number of favorable outcomes (picking a green marble) and the total number of possible outcomes.

In this case, the number of favorable outcomes is 9 (the number of green marbles in the bag), and the total number of possible outcomes is the sum of the green and white marbles, which is 9 + 11 = 20.

Therefore, the odds in favor of picking a green marble can be expressed as 9:20, which corresponds to option A.