I'm an on-going 8th grader, and I'm taking a class for Algebra 2. What should I expect that is different from Algebra 1?

P.S. I've taken Geometry online.

You'll be covering rational functions, asymptotes, logarithms, inverse functions, and more.

Go to your local used-book store, and buy a cheap text for Algebra II. Then, go for it -- with more tools at your disposal, the kinds of problems you can solve get much more interesting!

In Algebra 2, you can expect several new concepts and topics that build upon what you learned in Algebra 1. Here are a few key differences you may encounter:

1. Complexity: Algebra 2 generally delves deeper into the complexity of mathematical operations and problem-solving techniques. You'll work with more advanced equations, functions, and graphs. Some topics you may cover include matrices, logarithms, exponential functions, trigonometry, and conic sections.

2. Equations and Functions: You'll encounter more advanced equation types and higher degree functions. You'll explore quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions in greater detail. Solving and manipulating these equations will become more challenging.

3. Problem-solving: Algebra 2 emphasizes problem-solving skills by introducing you to real-world applications of mathematical concepts. You'll tackle word problems involving advanced algebraic equations and apply your knowledge to analyze and solve them.

4. Graphing: Graphing becomes more sophisticated in Algebra 2, as you'll explore various types of functions and their graphs. You'll learn to graph higher degree polynomial functions, conic sections (circles, ellipses, hyperbolas, and parabolas), and trigonometric functions. This will require a deeper understanding of the relationship between equations and their graphical representations.

5. Advanced Algebraic Techniques: Algebra 2 introduces additional techniques to simplify and solve equations, such as factoring, completing the square, and using the quadratic formula. You'll also learn about complex numbers and how to perform operations with them.

6. Preparation for higher math: Algebra 2 serves as a foundation for higher-level math courses like pre-calculus and calculus. It builds your problem-solving skills and mathematical reasoning, which are crucial for success in these advanced courses.

To excel in Algebra 2, it's essential to review and strengthen your understanding of Algebra 1 fundamentals. Practice regularly, use online resources, work on additional problems, and don't hesitate to seek help from your teacher or classmates whenever you encounter difficulties. Good luck!