4 quarters of x is 36. X is equal to


4 quarters of something implies 4/4 which is 1. therefore X=1

The only possible choice assumes a typo where you meant to say that one quarter of x is 36.

Then, x is 144.

Hmm. Unless the question reads

4 quarters of x is 36. What is 1 quarter of x?

Then the answer is 9.

To find the value of x in the equation "4 quarters of x is 36," we need to set up and solve an equation.

The equation can be stated as: 4 * (1/4) * x = 36

Let's break down this equation:
- The first term, 4, represents the "4 quarters." Since there are 4 quarters in a whole, this part ensures we have the correct number of quarters.
- The second term, 1/4, represents the fraction of x that each quarter represents.
- The variable x represents the unknown value we are trying to solve.
- The right-hand side of the equation, 36, represents the total value attained by the 4 quarters.

Now, let's solve for x:

4 * (1/4) * x = 36

Simplifying the equation:
1 * x = 36

We can drop the 1 multiplier since it does not affect the value of x:
x = 36

Therefore, the answer is x = 36.

None of the given options (A) 9, (B) 50, (C) 144, or (D) 40 matches the solution we obtained, so the correct answer is not provided within the given options.