"Him" and his fellow artists experimented with using color in a very spontaneous way.

Or would this sound better if it was "He"?

"" = Does this need to be changed to this?

We use " he" for subjects and " him" for objects. What needs to be in this sentence?

I kinda want to say "He" but the only other choice that makes since is "His".

He is correct.

In the given sentence, using "Him" or "He" depends on the intended meaning. Let me explain the difference and help you decide which one is more appropriate.

If you use "Him" in the sentence, it suggests that the person mentioned, who is described as an artist, is the object of the sentence. This means that the person is being acted upon or affected by the action of the sentence. Here's an example of how it would be used:

"Him and his fellow artists experimented with using color in a very spontaneous way."

In this case, it emphasizes that the experimentation with color was done by the aforementioned artist and his colleagues.

On the other hand, if you use "He" in the sentence, it suggests that the person mentioned is the subject of the sentence. This means that the person is performing the action of the sentence. Here's an example of how it would be used:

"He and his fellow artists experimented with using color in a very spontaneous way."

In this case, it highlights that the person mentioned, along with his fellow artists, actively conducted the experimentation with color.

Both versions can be grammatically correct, but the choice between "Him" and "He" depends on whether you want to emphasize the person as the object or subject of the sentence. Consider the context and intended meaning to determine which one is more suitable.