A trapezoid has a height of 7 inches and bases of 11 inches and 4 inches. What is the area of the trapezoid?

When finding the area of a trapezoid, does it matter which base is b1 and wich base is b2? explain

A=(a+b)/2 * h

A = 7.5 * 7

No, it makes no difference which is b1 and b2.

So 52.5?

Right. 52.5 square inches


You're welcome, Mia.

When finding the area of a trapezoid, it does not matter which base is labeled as b1 or b2. The only thing that matters is that you correctly identify the dimensions of the bases. The formula to find the area of a trapezoid is (1/2) x (b1 + b2) x h, where b1 and b2 represent the lengths of the bases and h represents the height of the trapezoid.

In this case, the trapezoid has a height of 7 inches and bases of 11 inches and 4 inches. Let's assume that 11 inches is the length of b1 and 4 inches is the length of b2. However, you can choose to label them the other way around as well.

Using the formula, we can calculate the area of the trapezoid:
Area = (1/2) x (b1 + b2) x h
Area = (1/2) x (11 + 4) x 7
Area = (1/2) x 15 x 7
Area = 7.5 x 7
Area = 52.5 square inches

So, regardless of which base you label as b1 or b2, you will still arrive at the same area of 52.5 square inches.