how many moles of oxygen are needed to react with 3.5 moles of isopropyl alcohol, C3H7OH

To do what? Is that a combustion reaction or something different. If combustion it will be

(CH3)2CHCH2OH + 6O2 ==> 5H2O + 4CO2
Use the coefficients in the balanced equation to convert mols isopropyl alcohol to mols O2. That will be
3.5 mol isop x (6 mols O2/1 mol isop) = 3.5 x 6/1 = ?

To determine the number of moles of oxygen needed to react with isopropyl alcohol (C3H7OH), we need to balance the chemical equation for the reaction and then use stoichiometry.

The balanced equation for the combustion reaction of isopropyl alcohol with oxygen is:

C3H7OH + O2 -> CO2 + H2O

From the balanced equation, we can see that the molar ratio between isopropyl alcohol and oxygen is 1:O2. This means that for every 1 mole of isopropyl alcohol, we need O2 moles of oxygen.

Given that we have 3.5 moles of isopropyl alcohol, we can calculate the number of moles of oxygen needed using the following steps:

1. Determine the molar ratio between isopropyl alcohol and oxygen:
- For every 1 mole of isopropyl alcohol, we need O2 moles of oxygen.

2. Set up a proportion:
- 1 mole of isopropyl alcohol / O2 moles of oxygen = 3.5 moles of isopropyl alcohol / X moles of oxygen

3. Solve the proportion for X (the number of moles of oxygen):
- X = (3.5 moles of isopropyl alcohol * O2 moles of oxygen) / 1 mole of isopropyl alcohol

The value of X will give us the number of moles of oxygen needed to react with 3.5 moles of isopropyl alcohol.