All living things must carry out certain functions and possess certain structures to survive, grow, and reproduce. The following chart illustrates how humans possess certain structures to carry out these critical functions. Fill in the plant structures that correspond to the human structures listed in the chart.

Function/ Human Structure/ Plant Structure

1. Gas exchange 1. lungs 1.Stoma
2. Circulation 2. Blood vessels 2.Xylem
3. Water intake 3. mouth 3.Roots
4. Energy intake 4. mouth 4.Chloroplasts
5. Internal support 5. skeleton 5.Stem
6. Energy Storage 1. Fat cells 1. Vacuole
7. Energy Conversion 7. Mitochondria 7. Leaves

My answers are the last one in each number

just plug and chug, using the quotient rule

(2^x ln2 - e^x)(2^x+e^x) - (2^x-e^x)(2^x ln2 + e^x)

You can "simplify" that to

just plug and chug, using the quotient rule

(2^x ln2 - e^x)(2^x+e^x) - (2^x-e^x)(2^x ln2 + e^x)

You can "simplify" that to

(2^x ln2 - e^x)(2^x+e^x) - (2^x-e^x)(2^x ln2 + e^x)


Function/Human Structure/Plant Structure

1. Gas exchange: lungs - Plant Structure: Stoma (correct)
2. Circulation: Blood vessels - Plant Structure: Xylem (correct)
3. Water intake: mouth - Plant Structure: Roots (correct)
4. Energy intake: mouth - Plant Structure: Chloroplasts (incorrect) Correct Plant Structure: Leaves
5. Internal support: skeleton - Plant Structure: Stem (correct)
6. Energy Storage: Fat cells - Plant Structure: Vacuole (correct)
7. Energy Conversion: Mitochondria - Plant Structure: Leaves (correct)

Overall, your answers are mostly correct, except for number 4. In plants, energy intake occurs through the process of photosynthesis, which primarily takes place in the leaves where chloroplasts are found. So, the correct answer for number 4 is leaves, not chloroplasts. Well done!