Which term best describes the underlined words?

Originating in Bohemia, the polka was first developed around 1830.

infinitive phrase

participial phrase

gerund phrase

Which word is underlined?

Originating in Bohemia

i think its b or c

A gerund is a noun.

A participle is an adjective.

Does this phrase act as a subject or an object or does it modify a noun?

Which term best describes the underlined words?

If you prefer not to practice hard, consider learning the polka.

participial phrase

infinitive phrase

gerund phrase

To determine the term that best describes the underlined words, we need to review the different options: infinitive phrase, participial phrase, and gerund phrase.

An infinitive phrase starts with the word "to" followed by a verb in its base form. For example, "to run" or "to eat." In the given sentence, the underlined words "Originating in Bohemia" do not start with "to" and are not in the form of an infinitive phrase.

A participial phrase includes a verb in its past or present participle form and functions as an adjective to modify a noun. For example, "running in the park" or "eaten by the dog." The underlined words "originating in Bohemia" do not represent a verb in participle form modifying a noun, so it is not a participial phrase.

A gerund phrase consists of a gerund, which is a verb that functions as a noun, along with any modifiers or complements. It ends in "-ing," such as "eating ice cream" or "running a marathon." In the given sentence, the underlined words "originating in Bohemia" can be considered as a noun phrase introducing the subject of the sentence. Therefore, the best term to describe the underlined words is a gerund phrase.

So, the correct answer is C. gerund phrase.