I asked a question earlier about creating a title for an article i wrote in English, the article being about school, and the pressure to achieve and the stress on students, and I can't figure out a good title, I've gotten some help from people and suggestions but I can't choose one

1) Is school causing unneeded amounts of stress for student?

2)Higher goals later, higher stress now

3)Can the expectations of students be harmful, rather than helpful?

Or any other suggestions if those aren't good would also be helpful

I think that 3 is a pretty good one since that't what your writing about . The expectations being harmful .

It's best to avoid whole sentences or questions for titles. I'd choose the second one.

Coming up with a title for your article can be a challenging task, but I'll try to provide you with some guidance on how to choose a suitable title. Let's analyze the options you have provided and explore some alternative suggestions:

1) "Is school causing unneeded amounts of stress for students?"
This title focuses on the direct impact of school on student stress levels. It presents a question that can intrigue readers and encourage them to explore your article further.

2) "Higher goals later, higher stress now"
This title highlights the idea of long-term aspirations and links them to the current stress students experience. It creates a sense of tension and can pique readers' interest.

3) "Can the expectations of students be harmful, rather than helpful?"
This title puts the spotlight on student expectations, questioning whether they have a negative impact on students' well-being. It provokes thought and prompts readers to consider the potentially harmful effects of high expectations.

Alternative title suggestions:
4) "The Dark Side of Academic Pressure: Unveiling the Stress Imposed on Students"
This title emphasizes the hidden consequences of academic pressure and indicates that your article will explore the negative effects of stress on students.

5) "Navigating the Perils of Student Stress: Unraveling the Impact of Academic Expectations"
This title conveys the concept of overcoming challenges and delving into the effects of academic expectations on student well-being.

6) "Striking a Balance: Addressing the Pressure to Achieve in School"
This title reflects the theme of your article by focusing on finding equilibrium between academic performance and mental well-being.

When choosing a title, consider the target audience of your article and the tone you want to convey. Additionally, ensure that the title accurately reflects the content of your article and is engaging enough to capture readers' attention.