Questions 1–4 correspond to "One."

1. What is the best interpretation of the following stanza from the poem "One"?
Nobody can get into my clothes for me / or feel my fall for me, or do my running. / Nobody hears my music for me, either.

A. You cannot count on anybody else.
B. Some people just want to be left alone.
C. People do not care about other people's real feelings.*****
D. Each person has his or her own unique experiences and feelings.

2. What makes using an image of a photocopy machine an interesting choice, given the theme of this poem?

A. Photocopy machines are common objects that most people can identify and use.
B. Photocopy machines reproduce the same images, making those images the opposite of unique.
C. Photocopy machines are inanimate objects, incapable of feelings.
D. Photocopy machines are mostly used in business places.

3. Which of the following is an example of the skill of connecting?

A. The poem "One" is about valuing one's unique way of experiencing life.
B. I really like the use of repetition in the poem "One."
C. The poem reminds me of the time I learned that I don't have to be like everybody else.
D. The author mentions fingerprints because they are unique to each person.

4. The reference to mirrors to signify soulless reproduction, as opposed to originality, is an example of

A. symbolism.
B. figurative language.
C. meter.
D. rhythm.

True or False

5. Monitoring comprehension by rereading can be especially useful in understanding the meaning of difficult words.


The poem One is not a poetic story. It is not a story in my textbook. That's all there is to it, a random story, a random stanza. No backstory to the stanza. Sorry.
pls help asap!!!

actually, #1 is D

#2 is B??? (or C)

#3 is A...? (or maybe C)

#4 is B

We can't help you because none of us has read "One."

i got it:)

1. To answer this question, you need to analyze the given stanza and determine the best interpretation among the options. The stanza mentions that nobody can do certain things for the speaker, such as getting into their clothes, feeling their fall, doing their running, or hearing their music. One interpretation of this stanza is that people generally do not care about other people's real feelings. Therefore, the correct answer is option C: People do not care about other people's real feelings.

2. To answer this question, you need to consider the theme of the poem and why the use of an image of a photocopy machine is interesting in relation to that theme. Analyze the characteristics of photocopy machines and their potential relevance to the theme. In this case, photocopy machines reproduce the same images, making those images the opposite of unique. Since the theme of the poem emphasizes the value of individuality and uniqueness, the choice of a photocopy machine as an image is interesting because it represents the opposite of what the poem is advocating for. Therefore, the correct answer is option B: Photocopy machines reproduce the same images, making those images the opposite of unique.

3. To answer this question, you need to identify an example of the skill of connecting from the given options. The skill of connecting involves making connections or associations between the text and personal experiences, prior knowledge, or other texts. Among the options, option C mentions how the poem reminds the person of a time they learned that they don't have to be like everybody else. This shows a connection between the poem and their personal experience. Therefore, the correct answer is option C: The poem reminds me of the time I learned that I don't have to be like everybody else.

4. To answer this question, you need to understand the literary device being used in the reference to mirrors. The reference to mirrors signifies soulless reproduction, which means it represents the act of copying something without originality. The usage of mirrors in this context is symbolic, as it metaphorically represents the lack of uniqueness or individuality. Therefore, the correct answer is option A: symbolism.

5. To answer this true/false question, you need to evaluate whether monitoring comprehension by rereading can be useful in understanding the meaning of difficult words. This involves considering the benefits of rereading in terms of gaining a better understanding of difficult words. Monitoring comprehension by rereading is indeed a useful strategy, as it allows you to revisit and reanalyze the text, which can aid in deciphering the meaning of difficult words. Therefore, the correct answer is true.