a microscope is set so it makes an object appear 4 x 10`2 times larger than its actual size. A virus as a diameter of 2 x10`-7 meter. ow Large will the diameter of te virus appear when it is viewed under te microscope?

A box contains 5x10³ thumb tucks. The mass of each thumb in the box is 8x10⁴ kilograms. What is the combined mass of the thumb tucks in the box? Express your final answer in correct scientific notation

To find out how large the diameter of the virus will appear when viewed under the microscope, we can use the magnification factor provided.

The magnification factor is given as 4 x 10^2, which means the microscope magnifies the object 400 times its actual size.

The diameter of the virus is given as 2 x 10^-7 meters. To calculate the apparent diameter when viewed under the microscope, we need to multiply the actual diameter by the magnification factor.

Apparent diameter = Actual diameter x Magnification factor

Apparent diameter = (2 x 10^-7) x (4 x 10^2)

To multiply the numbers with the same base (10), we add the exponents:
Apparent diameter = 8 x 10^-5

Therefore, the diameter of the virus will appear as 8 x 10^-5 meters when viewed under the microscope.

To determine how large the diameter of the virus will appear when viewed under the microscope, you need to multiply the actual diameter of the virus by the magnification factor of the microscope.

Magnification factor = 4 x 10^2
Actual diameter of the virus = 2 x 10^-7 meters

To calculate the diameter of the virus when viewed under the microscope, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Multiply the actual diameter by the magnification factor:
Diameter under the microscope = Actual diameter x Magnification factor

Let's calculate it:

Diameter under the microscope = (2 x 10^-7 meters) x (4 x 10^2)

Step 2: Apply the rules of multiplication for numbers in scientific notation:
Diameter under the microscope = 2 x 4 x 10^-7 x 10^2

Step 3: Simplify the multiplication:

Diameter under the microscope = 8 x 10^-7 x 10^2

Step 4: Apply the rule for multiplying powers of 10:
Diameter under the microscope = 8 x 10^-7+2

Step 5: Simplify the exponent:
Diameter under the microscope = 8 x 10^-5

Therefore, when viewed under the microscope, the diameter of the virus will appear to be 8 x 10^-5 meters.


= 2E-7*4E2=8E-5