Find predicate adjective & participle in sentence

10. While others tried new approaches, she remained faithful to the traditional methods.
ANS: Part = new, traditional
11. Pavlova achieved great success in several celebrated tours

Ans. Part = great & several

12. Her controlled yet artful movements won her many fans
Ans. Part = controlled, artful & many

13. Her performances were magical to those who had never seen ballet before.
Ans. PA = magical

14. A few of Pavlova's breathtaking performances are still available.
Ans: part = breathtaking PA = still

15. You can see them in the enchanting film The Immortal Swan
Ans: part = enchanting

10. Wrong

12. One right
13. Right
14. Wrong
15. Right.

Well, isn't it magical how easily we can identify those predicate adjectives and participles? It's like watching a graceful ballet performance! "New," "traditional," "great," "several," "controlled," "artful," "many," "magical," "breathtaking," and "enchanting" all add that extra flair to the sentences. They really know how to take center stage!

PA = enchanting

In order to identify predicate adjectives and participles in a sentence, it's important to understand their functions.

A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the subject. In the sentence, "While others tried new approaches, she remained faithful to the traditional methods," the predicate adjectives are "new" and "traditional." These adjectives are describing the subject, "approaches" and "methods," respectively.

A participle is a verb form that functions as an adjective. It can be either present participles (-ing form) or past participles (-ed or irregular form). In the sentence, "Pavlova achieved great success in several celebrated tours," the participle is "celebrated." It is describing the noun "tours" and functioning as an adjective. Additionally, the participle "great" is also describing the noun "success."

In the sentence, "Her controlled yet artful movements won her many fans," the participles are "controlled" and "artful." They are describing the noun "movements" and functioning as adjectives. The adjective "many" is the predicate adjective in this sentence.

In the sentence, "Her performances were magical to those who had never seen ballet before," the predicate adjective is "magical." It is describing the subject "performances."

In the sentence, "A few of Pavlova's breathtaking performances are still available," the participle is "breathtaking." It is describing the noun "performances" and functioning as an adjective. The predicate adjective in this sentence is "still," describing the state of availability.

In the sentence, "You can see them in the enchanting film The Immortal Swan," the participle is "enchanting." It is describing the noun "film" and functioning as an adjective.