A newspaper reporter wants to know how popular the hobby of bird watching is in the city. He asked people at the local bird refuge if they watched birds as a hobby. Which of the following best explains whether the reporter's data is valid or not?

A. The data is valid for the entire city because the bird refuge is located in the city.<----------
B. The data is not valid for the entire city because people can have more than one hobby.
C. The data is not valid for the entire city because bird watchers are more likely to visit a bird refuge.
D. The data is valid for the entire city because a bird refuge is a good place to find people who like to watch birds.

Okay well I just got my test answers. I completely BOMED that test. I got all of the essay questions wrong. Here are the real answers:

A. The graph could be misleading because the vertical scale uses very small intervals and starts at 3.8, which makes the changes seem greater than they really are.
B. The graph could be redrawn with its vertical scale starting at zero and with larger intervals.

A. Mean: 78, Median: 80.5, Mode: 58. (My teacher did not reply on B so i'm guessing its right.)

21. A. 125 turtles. B. 150 turtles.

A. All but the lowest value for Soil B and the highest value for Soil B fall within the same range.
B. Soil A: 71.8. Soil B: 75.
C. Soil A: 8.16, Soil B: 5.4.
D: The heights of the sunflowers planted in Soil A are more variable because the means of the heights in each group are about the same, but the mean absolute deviation for Soil A is greater.

Everybody shut the hell up and give the people the correct answers

Heyo! I find it kinda funny, you guys are saying how "oh you'll never get anywhere in life" etc... when in all actuality when the hell is the double line graph along with the stem-and-leaf plot. Hey! I can't do my taxes but mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, and that sure as hell will get me a job.


C is correct.

(Hi) some people don't like like what you said but i believe its the truth some of them know that there cheating and they don't care but i agree with what you said because one time i got a 30 from cheating and my scores now that i get are an 85 or higher! everybody on here is smart but i know some of you people know that but just don't fell like doing the work.

Kyle was right. He only got 8 right

Use the like buttons plz

Okay i got it C

Yes, C