51.423 rounded to the nearest meter is 51? or 51.4

51 is the nearest metre, and 51.4 is the nearest tenth of a metre.




Expanded noun phrases are actually simple if you look at them in context! Here is an example of a noun phrase: There was a barn owl.

expanded noun phrase: There was a majestic barn owl. Its putting a noun before the adjective.

535cm into metres


3.14 rounded to the nearest meter


To round 51.423 to the nearest meter, we need to consider the digit immediately after the meter unit. In this case, it is the digit in the decimal place, which is 4. To round a number with a decimal digit of 5 or greater, we round up to the next whole number. If the decimal digit is less than 5, we round down to the current whole number.

Since the decimal digit in 51.423 is 4, which is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, rounding 51.423 to the nearest meter would give us 51.