At a point on the ground 50 feet from the foot of a tree, the angle of elevation to the top of the tree is 53°. Find the height of the tree to the nearest foot.

I got 50xtan53 = 66.35 nearest foot ? would I use tan or sin since I'm finding the foot of the tree

You are welcome.

so it's 66 not 66.35 ? right

yes, to the nearest foot it is 66 ft

right, you asked for nearest foot

oh okay, it's confusing, thank you guys!

tan 53 = height/distance

yes, 66 to nearest foot

The right angle is at the foot of the tree.
ALWAYS draw a picture
tan 53 = opposite (tree) / adjacent(along ground

the hypotenuse is along your line of sight, not used here


in reference to your angle you are involving the opposite and the adjacent side

since tanØ = opposite/adjacent
your choice of tangent was correct.