4. A triangle has vertices (–2, –3), (3, 5), and (8, –1).

a. Write a matrix expression to represent reflecting the triangle across the x-axis. Evaluate the matrix expression and list the coordinates of the vertices of the transformed figure.

|+1 +0 | |-2 +3 +8 |

|+0 -1 | |-3 +5 -1 |
| -2 +3 +8 |
| +3 -5 +1 |
(-2,3), (3,-5), (8,1)

To reflect a point across the x-axis, we need to change the sign of its y-coordinate while keeping the x-coordinate unchanged.

The matrix representation for reflecting a point across the x-axis can be written as:

1 & 0 \\
0 & -1 \\

To find the transformed coordinates, we can multiply this reflection matrix by each vertex of the triangle.

Let's evaluate the matrix expression for each vertex:

For the vertex (-2, -3):

1 & 0 \\
0 & -1 \\

-2 \\
-3 \\


-2(1) + 0(-3) \\
0(-2) + (-1)(-3) \\


-2 \\
3 \\

So, the transformed coordinates for the vertex (-2, -3) after reflecting across the x-axis are ( -2, 3).

Similarly, for the vertex (3, 5):

1 & 0 \\
0 & -1 \\

3 \\
5 \\


3(1) + 0(5) \\
0(3) + (-1)(5) \\


3 \\
-5 \\

So, the transformed coordinates for the vertex (3, 5) after reflecting across the x-axis are ( 3, -5).

And for the vertex (8, -1):

1 & 0 \\
0 & -1 \\

8 \\
-1 \\


8(1) + 0(-1) \\
0(8) + (-1)(-1) \\


8 \\
1 \\

So, the transformed coordinates for the vertex (8, -1) after reflecting across the x-axis are ( 8, 1).

Therefore, the vertices of the transformed figure after reflecting the triangle across the x-axis are ( -2, 3), (3, -5), and (8, 1).