May I take your order?

-Yes, please. I'll have one cheese sandwich, one green salad and one orange juice.
What does 'have' mean in 'have one cheese sandwich'? Does 'have' mean 'eat' or 'drink'? Or does 'have' mean 'take' or 'get'?

In that sentence, "have" can mean buy or order.

In the context of ordering food, the word "have" is commonly used to mean "eat" or "drink." When you say "I'll have one cheese sandwich," it means that you would like to eat one cheese sandwich. Similarly, if you say "I'll have one orange juice," it means you would like to drink one orange juice.

However, it's important to note that the word "have" in this context can have different meanings depending on the situation. Sometimes, it can also mean "take" or "get." For example, if someone says "Have a seat," it means they are asking you to take a seat.

To understand the meaning of "have" in a particular sentence, it's best to consider the surrounding context and the specific action being referred to.