chapter integer note ten days minimum and maximum temperature and draw bar graph

Data missing.

10 days minimum and maximum temperature make a bar graph day wise

What do you want to be in future in and how much mathematics will help you to achieve your goal

To answer your question and create a bar graph for the minimum and maximum temperatures over a ten-day period, here's what you can do:

1. Collect temperature data for each day:
Note down the minimum and maximum temperatures for each of the ten days.

2. Choose a suitable unit of measurement for the temperatures:
Decide on the unit of measurement you want to use, such as Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F).

3. Organize the data:
Create a table with three columns: Day, Minimum Temperature, and Maximum Temperature. List the day numbers 1 to 10 in the "Day" column, and fill in the corresponding minimum and maximum temperatures for each day.

4. Create a bar graph:
Use a spreadsheet or a graphing software to plot your data. Typically, the x-axis represents the days, and the y-axis represents the temperature. Each bar on the graph will correspond to the minimum and maximum temperatures for that day.

5. Label your graph:
Add a title to your graph, like "Minimum and Maximum Temperatures over 10 Days." Label the x-axis as "Day" and the y-axis as "Temperature" with the appropriate unit of measurement. Use different colors or patterns for the bars representing the minimum and maximum temperatures to make them easily distinguishable.

6. Add additional details:
You might want to include a legend that explains the colors or patterns you used for the bars. Additionally, consider adding a scale to the y-axis if your temperature range is large.

7. Interpret the graph:
Analyze the bar graph to draw conclusions. Look for patterns, such as temperature fluctuations or any notable differences. You can compare the bars directly or calculate the temperature range for each day to identify variations.

With these steps, you should be able to collect the necessary data, create a bar graph, and interpret the minimum and maximum temperatures over a ten-day period.