Here are 5 questions I cannot figure out

1. Is every parallelogram a square?
2.Is every rhombus a square?
3. Is every square a rhombus?
4. Is every rectangle a parallelogram?
5. Is every rectangle a rhombus?
Thank you so much for answering

1. No - surely you have drawn pgrams which are not squares.

2. No - but
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No - a rhombus has all sides equal

Looks like you need to review your definitions some, and play around drawing some figures, with sides of various lengths and slants.

You're welcome! I'll be happy to help you with these questions. Let's go through each one and explain how to figure out the answers.

1. Is every parallelogram a square?
To determine if every parallelogram is a square, we need to understand the properties of both shapes.

A parallelogram is a four-sided polygon with opposite sides that are parallel. It does not have to have right angles.

A square is a special type of parallelogram where all four sides are equal in length and all angles are right angles.

Therefore, the answer is no, not every parallelogram is a square. While a square is a type of parallelogram, not all parallelograms are squares.

2. Is every rhombus a square?
To determine if every rhombus is a square, we need to know the properties of a rhombus and a square.

A rhombus is a four-sided polygon where all four sides are equal in length, but the angles are not necessarily right angles.

A square, as mentioned earlier, is a type of parallelogram where all sides are equal in length and all angles are right angles.

Therefore, the answer is no, not every rhombus is a square. A rhombus can have angles other than right angles, whereas a square must have all right angles.

3. Is every square a rhombus?
To determine if every square is a rhombus, we need to understand the properties of both shapes.

As mentioned earlier, a square is a type of parallelogram where all sides are equal in length and all angles are right angles.

A rhombus is a four-sided polygon where all sides are equal in length, but the angles are not necessarily right angles.

Since all squares have equal side lengths, they meet the criteria of a rhombus, which also requires equal side lengths. Additionally, squares have four right angles, which means they also meet the criteria of a rhombus. Therefore, every square is also a rhombus.

4. Is every rectangle a parallelogram?
To determine if every rectangle is a parallelogram, we need to understand the properties of both shapes.

A rectangle is a four-sided polygon where all angles are right angles, and opposite sides are equal in length.

A parallelogram is a four-sided polygon with opposite sides that are parallel. It does not necessarily have to have right angles.

Since a rectangle has right angles and opposite sides are parallel, it meets the criteria of a parallelogram. Therefore, every rectangle is also a parallelogram.

5. Is every rectangle a rhombus?
To determine if every rectangle is a rhombus, we need to compare the properties of both shapes.

As mentioned earlier, a rectangle is a polygon with all right angles and opposite sides of equal length.

A rhombus, on the other hand, is a four-sided polygon where all sides are of equal length, but the angles are not necessarily right angles.

Since a rectangle has opposite sides of equal length and right angles, it does not meet the criteria of a rhombus, which requires angles other than right angles. Therefore, not every rectangle is a rhombus.

I hope these explanations help you understand the relationships and differences between these shapes. Let me know if you have any further questions!