Given the position function s(t) = t cos t, find the velocity function.


v(t) = -sin t

v(t) = sin t

v(t) = cos t - t sin t

v(t) = cos t + t sin t

Ahh, calculus...

v= dx/dt= d/dt (tcost)=cost-tsint

To find the velocity function, we need to take the derivative of the position function, s(t) = t cos t, with respect to time, t.

Using the product rule, the derivative of t cos t is given by:

s'(t) = (d/dt)(t)cos t + t(d/dt)(cos t)

The derivative of t with respect to t is 1, and the derivative of cos t with respect to t is -sin t.

Therefore, the velocity function, v(t), is:

v(t) = 1 * cos t + t * (-sin t)


v(t) = cos t - t sin t

So, the velocity function is v(t) = cos t - t sin t.

To find the velocity function, we need to take the derivative of the position function with respect to time.

Given the position function s(t) = t cos t, we can apply the product rule of differentiation to find the velocity function v(t):

v(t) = (d/dt)(t cos t)
= t(d/dt)(cos t) + cos t(d/dt)(t)

To differentiate cos t with respect to time, we can use the chain rule:

(d/dt)(cos t) = -sin t

To differentiate t with respect to time, we treat it as a constant:

(d/dt)(t) = 1

Now we can substitute these values into the equation for v(t) we found earlier:

v(t) = t(-sin t) + cos t(1)
= -t sin t + cos t

Therefore, the velocity function is v(t) = -t sin t + cos t.

So, the correct answer is v(t) = -t sin t + cos t.