In Brazil, the indigenous population was around 3.5 million before the arrival of Europeans. Today, the indigenous population is around

A. 500,000
B. 200,000
C. 1.5 million
D. 2 million

B. 200,000

To find the current indigenous population in Brazil, we can start by eliminating the population options that are higher than the initial population before the arrival of Europeans (3.5 million). This leaves us with options A (500,000), B (200,000), and C (1.5 million).

To narrow down further, we need to consider the impact of colonization, diseases, and other factors that have affected the indigenous population over the centuries. Since the arrival of Europeans, there have been significant population declines among the indigenous peoples of Brazil.

A reliable source for current population data is the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). According to the latest census data from IBGE in 2010, the indigenous population in Brazil was approximately 817,000. This figure can be considered somewhat outdated, but it provides a general idea of the population size.

Given this information, we can infer that option A (500,000) is more likely to be the correct answer than options B (200,000) or C (1.5 million). The most accurate answer would be to consult the most recent data from IBGE or other reliable sources to verify the current indigenous population in Brazil.