8.two species have a relationship with one another in an ecosystem. suppose one of these two species goes extinct. which type of relationship did the two have if the surviving species population increases after the other goes extinct?

A.the extinct species was a parasite in a parasitic relationship with the surviving species.
B.the extinct species relied on the surviing species in a commensal relationship.
C.the two species had a mutualistic relationship***
D.the surviving species preyed on the extinct species. --------------------------- 2.A biologist studying a desert ecosystem observes that the population of a lizard species increases following a particulary hot, dry period that causes a snake population to decline what could the biologist hypothesize bout the roles of these two species?
A.the lizard preys on the snake.
B.the lizard is a parasite of the snake***.
C.the snake and lizard use the same limiting resource
D.the snake is a keystone species in the ecosystem

shut up psy

What is the answer

What is it


threatlifeboii what is your problem, and im about to die of stupidydy so i need answers now, whole dam test please,

or else

For the first question, if the population of the surviving species increases after the other species goes extinct, it suggests that they had a mutualistic relationship.

To understand this, we need to define the different types of relationships:

1. Mutualistic relationship: Both species benefit from the relationship. For example, a plant may provide nectar to a bee, while the bee pollinates the plant.

2. Parasitic relationship: One species benefits while the other is harmed. For example, a tick feeds on the blood of a dog, causing harm to the dog.

3. Commensal relationship: One species benefits while the other is neither benefited nor harmed. For example, a bird nesting in a tree does not harm the tree but benefits from the shelter.

4. Predator-prey relationship: One species feeds on the other. For example, a lion preys on a gazelle.

In this case, if the population of the surviving species increases after the other species goes extinct, it implies that the two species had a mutualistic relationship (option C).

Now, moving on to the second question, where a biologist observes that the lizard population increases following a hot and dry period that caused a decline in the snake population. The biologist can make several hypotheses about the roles of these species:

1. The lizard preys on the snake: This means that the lizard feeds on the snake. However, there is no evidence or information to suggest such a relationship.

2. The lizard is a parasite of the snake: This means that the lizard relies on the snake and benefits at the expense of the snake. Based on the information given, this hypothesis does not apply.

3. The snake and lizard use the same limiting resource: This means that both species compete for the same resources, such as food or habitat. However, this hypothesis does not seem relevant to the situation described.

4. The snake is a keystone species in the ecosystem: This means that the snake plays a critical role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. However, this hypothesis does not align with the observation of the snake population decline.

Therefore, based on the information given, it is not possible to determine an exact relationship between the snake and lizard, or their roles in the ecosystem. Therefore, none of the options provided accurately describe the relationship between the two species in this scenario.


The answers to the unit test so far for unit 4 lesson 13 are 1 C

2 D
3 B
4 B
5 D
6 A
7 C
8 D