As you exercise, bones become __________ dense. This is because the process of bone remodeling allows __________ to deposit calcium into your bones, making them stronger with regular exercise.

Less, osteoclasts

Less, osteoblasts

More, osteoblasts

More, osteoclasts

my answer is More, osteoclasts am i correct

I disagree.

okay miss Sue it must be Less, osteoblasts

The correct answer is "More, osteoblasts."

During the process of bone remodeling, exercise stimulates the activity of osteoblasts, which are specialized cells responsible for building new bone tissue. As you exercise, the physical stress applied to your bones triggers osteoblasts to deposit more calcium and collagen, leading to increased bone density. This means that with regular exercise, your bones become stronger and more resistant to fractures.

On the other hand, osteoclasts are cells that break down and remove old or damaged bone tissue. While they play a vital role in bone remodeling by removing weakened bone material, regular exercise does not promote an increase in osteoclast activity. Instead, it's the increased activity of osteoblasts that leads to stronger bones.