Not sure if I'm correct . 2. What do facial features in the poem diondra Jordan symbolize ? A.the part of each person that's similar to ones relative .B. The part of each person that is uniquely ones own . C. The part of each that one wishes one could change. D. The part of each person that likes best about oneself . My anwser b

Which poem?

Diondras poem

Is b correct ?

What is the title of the poem?

To determine the correct answer, you would need to closely analyze the poem "Diondra Jordan" and consider the descriptions and symbolism surrounding facial features. I can explain a general approach to analyzing a poem to help you understand how to arrive at the correct answer.

1. Read the poem: Start by carefully reading the poem "Diondra Jordan" and understanding its overall theme, tone, and imagery. Look for any specific details or descriptions related to facial features.

2. Identify poetic devices: Pay attention to any poetic devices, such as metaphors, similes, or symbols, that the poet may have used to convey a deeper meaning. Consider how facial features are portrayed and their significance within the context of the poem.

3. Analyze context and themes: Consider the broader context of the poem and its themes. Think about how facial features relate to the overall message of the poem and the emotions or ideas conveyed by the poet.

4. Consider multiple interpretations: The possible answer choices you provided offer different interpretations of facial features in the poem. Evaluate each option by comparing it to the evidence and analysis you have made so far. Think critically about which interpretation aligns best with the poem.

By following these steps, you can arrive at the most accurate interpretation of facial features in the poem "Diondra Jordan."