use integer values of x from -3 to 3 to graph the equation y= {-X}

Help me graph this by helping me with the coordinates.

what is that symbol? absolute value?

y = |-x| is the same as y = |x|

x y
-3 3
-2 2
-1 1
0 0
1 1
1 2 etc. looks like V

So its D right🤷‍♀️

i like your name Damon i know a damon from vampire diaries :D

All the y values are positive

the bottom of the V is at (0,0)
Hey just sketch the x and y points !

I can not post all of the answers, but for now, I can post just this one. The answer is D. The bottom of "V" is sitting on 0,0.

IS it A B C OR D thats all you have to say

is the V going on top of the axis or below the axis?

i would appreciate if someone could actually post the answers

thank you for helping me Damon are you getting mad at me? I'm sorry if you are I'm just trying to ask for help.

so D?