6. Kevin wants to calculate the value of the expression below.

Which shows an equivalent way Kevin could write this expression?

- 17 + 3

a) - (17 + 3)
b) - (17 - 3)
c) (- 3 + 17)
d) ( - 3 - 17)

What is the answer bruh..... You can't just leave a question without a freaking answer dudes

To find an equivalent way to write the expression - 17 + 3, we need to simplify it.

The operation involved here is addition and subtraction.

So, let's evaluate the addition first:

- 17 + 3 = -14

Now, we can rewrite the expression as:

a) - (17 + 3) = - (20)

b) - (17 - 3) = - (14)

c) (- 3 + 17) = 14

d) ( - 3 - 17) = -20

To find the equivalent way that Kevin could write the expression, we can see that option a) (- (17 + 3)) gives us the same result of -20.

Therefore, the correct answer is a) - (17 + 3).


What do you think?